Tuesday, October 27, 2015

GeorgiaJanet has been busy busy busy... 

...on the road, at the beach (yes, again), celebrating birthdays, spending time with those adorable grandchildren, of course getting in some writing. 
It's been a while but finally there are updates for you. Do you have questions? GeorgiaJanet does, but I have answers too. Let's start with this one: 

How do I really feel about fall? Go here:   http://www.georgiajanet.com/?p=737

Several have asked when Madam May will be available in a print edition. Many more ebooks will need to be sold to finance print copies. Another possibility is for a publisher to pick up the book if it does well (sells) as an ebook. So, buy buy buy and share with your friends!Don't forget Madam May is available here:  http://www.amazon.com/Madam-May-Madams-Morphine-Moonshine-ebook/dp/B00YWCV8YY/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1433470473&sr=1-1&keywords=Madam+May&pebp=1433470484762&perid=1GXQFZ1J1MEXAKMQY2MB

***If you do not have a Kindle there is a free app on the book listing on Amazon that enables you to read Madam May on any device.*** 

More Q & A

Is a sequel in the works for Madam May?        http://www.georgiajanet.com/?p=17
How did the JCMF Golf Tournament go?   http://www.georgiajanet.com/?p=367
            What really goes on in schools?    http://www.georgiajanet.com/?p=45
What song chorus mentions Georgia's red clay?  http://www.georgiajanet.com/georgia-music/
How well do you know your strong women in literature?  http://www.georgiajanet.com/?p=201
Contact GeorgiaJanet
email: georgiajanetatl@gmail.com
website: www.georgiajanet.com